Smart world opened by IT! Just Do IT, Korea IT!
Do you want to be IT Leader for the future of IT industry in Korea?
Please pay attention to the five schools of Korea College of Information & Technology (Korea IT) that provide everything of IT education, including English for global leaders, with personality education under philosophy through differentiated project courses by the professors having rich on-site experiences, based on organic academic-industrial cooperation with the enterprises in Teheran Valley and Yangjae-Poi Valley, the center of IT Industry in Korea.
The five schools of Korea IT, the prestigious college of IT education, will be your real support.
Please pay attention to the five schools of Korea College of Information & Technology (Korea IT) that provide everything of IT education, including English for global leaders, with personality education under philosophy through differentiated project courses by the professors having rich on-site experiences, based on organic academic-industrial cooperation with the enterprises in Teheran Valley and Yangjae-Poi Valley, the center of IT Industry in Korea.
The five schools of Korea IT, the prestigious college of IT education, will be your real support.
The course for receiving four-year-course Bachelor degree
Korea IT is a college that students can receive 4-year-course bachelor degree according to the Credits Accreditation Act.
If you receive credits from the College, bachelor degree is conferred by the Minister of Education, Science and Technology and you can enter a graduate school home and abroad in the same degree as four-year-course university.
If you receive credits from the College, bachelor degree is conferred by the Minister of Education, Science and Technology and you can enter a graduate school home and abroad in the same degree as four-year-course university.
Features of the College’s Curriculum

Prerequisite Learning
This is the system to make the students learn their prerequisite subjects of the department concerned. The School support students to complete online education and make full self-directed learning through the Q & A of the content and data sharing. Graduation Accreditation System
This system is to assure the student who has acquired 80 credits (the minimum credits for graduation) and completed the fixed course as talented person for the area concerned by the Principal. The Certificate of Graduation, including the accreditation details, will play a role as a reference letter in employment, reflecting the Principal’s positive intention to recommend for being employment or entering university.-
Major-deepening Semester
The School runs major-deepening semester in 3-4 weeks for the newest major education and specific subjects in the vacation, in addition to regular 4-semester curriculum. It aims to foster competitive professionals to adapt to employment immediately. -
Personality education, Computer (O/A) education, and Foreign language education
The talented people aimed by the School are culture and art professionals with upright personality. To foster the cultured people, we perform personality education including liberal education, practical computer utilization ability, and fundamental foreign language education and produce talented people with right occupational view and practical ability. -
Employment/Transfer/Admission/Studying abroad by 1:1 customized design
Higher employment rate is shown in the major field through customized design after grasping the students’ employment and career by the cooperation of the advisors and employment support center. The School provides related information to the students who hope to transfer, enter graduate school, or study abroad and also assign the advisors to make a full preparation.
Employment and Advanced Study, Top-class College
Excellent Performance oof Employment and Advanced Study
Education System in full range from admission to post-graduation!
No comparison with any other college! Make ability recognized and take the opportunity for employment – Project Competition
● The largest Festival for students, professors, teaching staff, and industrial people
● Development by competition and practice ability improvement
● Definite care by appointed professor in charge and specialized project room & Project vitalization by operation
● On-site opportunity for headhunting or internship
● Output is appreciation in employment portfolio
Best education environment and service for students!
● Good Educational Institution selected by National Institute for Lifelong Education of Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
● Best Educational Institution selected by Korea Federation of Small and Medium Business